Annual Commemoration and Thanksgiving Service in our 900th anniversary year

On Thursday 26th September 2024, the Annual Commemoration and Thanksgiving Service in the year of the 900th anniversary was a truly spectacular occasion.

Held in Glasgow Cathedral, the site of our School’s founding in 1124, the whole school from Junior 1 to Senior 6, staff, parents, members of the Board of Governors and invited guests, including the Lord Provost Jacqueline McLaren, came together to give thanks for our School. This was the first time in the School’s 900 year history that our littlest learners from Junior 1 to Junior 3 attended the Service, making it a particularly special occasion and one that may form some of their earliest school memories.

As the children made their way into the Cathedral, they were piped in by the School’s Pipe Band who had already drawn quite a crowd of tourists and passers-by!

A rousing Brass Ensemble procession entitled ‘Nonacentennial Commemoration Procession’ composed by Max Robeson (Class of 2023) set the tone for the proceedings. This was followed by a Proclamation from Mr Roderick Macpherson, the Unicorn Pursuivant, before a welcome from Rev Mark Johnstone, Minister to Glasgow Cathedral and School Chaplain.

The Service itself was conducted by Rev Mark Johnstone, with a thought provoking and entertaining Address delivered by former pupil The Very Rev Dr David Lacy (Class of 1969).

As is important in occasions of this stature, the School Song was sung with great gusto, before excerpts of the School’s history were delivered by Rector Mr John O’Neill and School Captains Estella L and Ruaridh M. This was followed by Mr Roderick Macpherson, the Unicorn Pursuivant, taking to the lectern to detail how the High School came to be granted its Coat of Arms by the Lord Lyon on 8th February 1919.

Readings were given by Miss Heather Fuller, Head Teacher of the Junior School, and former Rector Dr Robin Easton (1983-2004), with special Bidding Prayers written and performed by members of the Scripture Union including Hannah R (J6), Cameron R (S3), Rebekah dG (S4) and Lucy Mitra (S5).

The musical delights kept coming with a performance by the Commemoration Choir of ‘Cantate Hodie!’ (Sing Today!) by Mary Lynn Lightfoot, conducted by Miss Alison McNeill and accompanied on piano by Mr Archie Morris.

Hymns on the day included ‘Now Thank We All our God’, ‘Praise My Soul the King of Heaven’ and ‘Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah’ with the Recessional to ‘Toccata (Symphony No. 5)’ (C M Widor).

Each year, the Commemoration and Thanksgiving Service is a poignant moment in the School calendar, and never more so than in our 900th anniversary year, therefore, we are very pleased to be able to share a recording from the day with our Community to watch at your leisure.

To view all photographs taken on the day by Martin Shields, please click here.