2013 Reunion


HSOG Community

Our social calendar is filled with fun and exciting opportunities to experience what our High School Community has to offer!

  • Class of 1993
  • 2013 Reunion

High School Reunions

We are always delighted to hear from former pupils looking to organise their own class year reunions here at Old Anniesland or further afield.

Are you considering arranging your own class year reunion?
Then please reach out to our External Relations team at community@hsog.co.uk. We’d love to hear from you and to help you organise your own reunion. There are various options to choose from should you wish to host your get-together here at the School, so please do reach out for further details and associated costs.

Charity Golf Day

Since its inception in 2016, our annual Charity Golf Day has raised almost £25,000. This day of fun on the course owes its success to the generous participation of High School community members who donate prizes and bring their friendliest competition to the event. We are extremely grateful to those donors who have supported this event and invite all members of the High School community to join us at our next Charity Golf Day. Please reach out to us at community@hsog.co.uk for further information.

Global Events

We are incredibly proud of the global nature of our High School Community. As such, we are always striving to provide ways for our alumni residing outside of Scotland to reconnect with their former classmates and fellow former pupils.

The Annual London Club Reunion Dinner, Annual President’s Lunch and evening drinks events in the UK’s capital, the New York former pupil dinner and the Hong Kong drinks reception are all examples of events that we have hosted to stay connected to our worldwide network of alumni.

As we develop our international programme of events, we hope to ensure that every member of our global HSOG Community can remain connected to the School and forge new relationships with other community members in their region.

Would you like to arrange your own overseas alumni event?

We would love to hear from you and see how we can support your plans! If you’re interested in hosting a drinks reception, informal meal, or a day out for former pupils in your region for example, we can help you in making contact with former pupils who live close to you. Please reach out to us at community@hsog.co.uk.

HSOG and GHK Sport

Members of the HSOG Community are welcome to come along to Old Anniesland to cheer on one of the many teams we have competing here at the weekends.

You will find the High School of Glasgow 1st XV/XI through to the Transitus teams playing as well as GHK too.

If you are interested in coming along to see one of the games, fixtures can be found here:

Former Pupil Coffee Mornings

We host two monthly Coffee Mornings in the Jimmie Ireland Stand at our Senior School Campus, which welcome former pupils from our former boys’ and girls’ schools respectively.

On the first Wednesday of every month when the School is in session, a group of sociable, chatty and utterly entertaining ladies meet at 10:30am to reminisce, catch up and share their stories of life at the Glasgow High School for Girls. The group is regularly joined by the Director of External Relations, Karen McDonald.

The second Tuesday of each month during term-time sees a friendly group of gentleman from our former boys’ school on Elmbank Street coming together to reunite and meet fellow former Old Boys over coffee and morning rolls.

If you’d be interested in coming along to our Coffee Mornings, please reach out to the External Relations team via email at community@hsog.co.uk or by telephone on 0141 954 9628 and we will make sure to add you to our mailing lists.

Celebration Ball

In 2017 the High School hosted its 40th Anniversary with a Celebration Ball at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. The evening commemorated the re-opening of the School in Anniesland in 1977.

The fantastic legacy of giving back to the School so selflessly begun by the High School community of the 1970s was honoured, celebrated and reflected in the success of the event. We were delighted that the event raised over £25,000, which went towards providing a High School education for talented, deserving pupils.

It was a wonderful night and a testament to the enduring sense of community that links us all together through the School.

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